Singh, Vikram
Being a JAC CS graduate (2011) myself, I can tell you that I am very proud to be teaching in the same program that inspired me to become a web developer. I pursued my bachelor's of CS (2019) at Concordia University with a specialization in web services and applications. Most recently, I completed my graduate certificate of college teaching (2020) at the University of Sherbrooke, and hopefully, I'll complete the full master's of education degree soon! I've worked at many different companies, mostly as a web developer, and what I love the most about the web is how accessible it is to access (as a user) and write (as a developer). ????
I've been teaching in the Computer Science program since the Fall of 2019 and have loved every minute of it! When I'm not doing webby things, I'm usually playing video games or getting lost down a YouTube rabbit hole. ????
Don't hesitate to come by my office or shoot me an email if you want to talk about anything - web related or otherwise! ????